The Cost of Sending your Child to The Two Rivers
Paying attendance fees
A member of the directors will email fee paying parents and those availing of the extra half hour and the daily hot meal, an invoice at the end of each month and must be paid within a fortnight (eg September fees due by October 14th). This is because our running costs are very tight and we depend on this money to pay salaries!
Fees are to be paid by bank transfer, details of which will be on your invoice.
Fees for 2023/24 are €15 per morning session (9.30am – 12.30pm). An extra half hour (12.30pm – 1.00pm) is available for an additional €2.50.
Fees are still payable for sick days or if your child is on holiday, however, if we have space, your child may attend on an alternate day free of charge.
Voluntary Food and Materials Contributions
Children attending Two Rivers do not bring a daily packed lunch, but are welcome to donate a piece of fruit towards their daily communal fruit salad . The contribution for the hot meal is €1 per day and is included on the monthly invoice.